Fallout FEMIG is a 1-page, quick-reference catalog of lore-friendly Fallout Enhancement Mods for Immersive Gameplay.
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch |
A comprehensive bugfixing mod for Fallout 4. |
F4SE |
Modifies FO4's API to give more control to mods. |
Address Library for F4SE Plugins |
Used in a bunch of mods for better compatibility over F4SE updates. |
Achievements |
Uses F4SE to re-enable achievements while mods are active |
High FSP Physics Fix |
Untie the game speed from the framerate. |
Raw Input |
Disables mouse acceleration, and makes the game much more responsive on PC. |
Insignificant Object Remover |
Removed a ton of small objects for a decent performance bump. |
FAR - Faraway Area Reform |
Optimizes distant textures for better performance while improving quality. |
Provides a fully customizable HUD and menus. Includes KeyNuker to clean up the Misc tab. |
FallUI |
Replaces the HUD with a highly customizable version. This is broken into multiple smaller mods that each replace part of the UI. |
LooksMenu |
Overhauls the character creation menu to allow for much more customization. |
LooksMenu Player Rotation |
Allows you to rotate your character while customizing your appearance. |
Full Dialogue Interface |
Makes the game display the full lines of what your character is going to say in conversation. |
Extended Dialogue Interface |
Removed the 4-option dialogue requirement giving mods more freedom on NPC interaction. |
Crafting Highlight Fix |
Removed the scanline effect from items in the crafting interface. |
Value per Weight Indicator for Container UI |
Adds a new value in inventories informing you how valuable something is compared to its weight. |
Mod Configuration Menu |
Provides a central location for mod configuration, accessible via the Pause menu. |
HUDFramework |
Adds a framework that allows other mods to add new UI elements to the HUD. |
Settlement Menu Manager |
Allows mods to change the settlement build menu without having major conflicts. |
Improved Map with Visible Roads |
An overhauled map with roads, topography and water. Much higher contrast to vanilla. |
Satellite World Map |
A high resolution world map assembled from in-game aerial views. |
Quieter Settlements |
Reduces the noise from settlement sources like generators and turrets. |
Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul |
Improves various sounds by overhauling outdoor ambiance and indoor reverb. |
Ambient Wasteland |
Adds a ton of new ambient sounds to make the wasteland feel less empty. |
Fallout 4 Reloaded |
Overhauls all vanilla weapon noises to feel much more devastating. |
Modern UI Sounds |
Replaces the menu, Pip-Boy, and HUD sounds. |
More Where That Came From |
Adds over 100 songs to Diamond City Radio. |
Jetfuel Radio |
Adds a new radio station with two hours of music. |
Synthstream FM |
Adds a new radio station with 15.5 hours of synthwave music. |
Lost World - Immersive Soundtrack Replacer |
Replaces all vanilla ambient music. |
Advanced Animation Framework |
Provides a system for other mods to add new animations without overwriting existing ones. |
Power Armor Animation Changes |
Speeds up the enter and exit animations and provides a more upright empty idle stance. |
Realistic Ragdoll Force |
Massively improves ragdolls to behave much more realistic. |
Lowered Weapons |
Allows your character to lower their weapon in first person. |
Idle Hands |
Provides a bunch of new idle animations to both males and females. |
First-Person Running Hands Animations |
Adds arms to the first person run animation. |
The Eyes of Beauty |
Replaces vanilla eye textures with higher resolution ones. |
Looking Stranger |
Adds many eyes with strange appearances like heterochromia. |
Commonweath Cuts |
Conversions of KS Hairdos and ApachiiSkyHair from Skyrim to Fallout 4. |
Ponytail Hairstyles |
Adds a few new hairstyles. Confusingly contains non-ponytail haircuts. |
Lots More Male Hairstyles |
Adds 100+ vanilla-friendly hairstyles for men. |
Lots More Female Hairstyles |
Adds 100+ vanilla-friendly hairstyles for women. |
Lots More Facial Hair |
Adds 100+ vanilla-friendly facial hair styles. |
Appealing Moles |
Replaces the default terrible moles with much better looking ones. |
Start Me Up Redux |
A continuation of the original Start Me Up. This mod allows you to completely change your start point. It is prone to mod conflicts due to how much it must change. |
SKK Fast Start New Game |
This mod allows you to skip all the pre-war gameplay. As soon as you are finished your SPECIAL, you load to outside Vault 111. Compatible with most mods as it just changes the very start of the game. |
PerkPointsPerLevel |
Allows you to set how many perk points you want for each level gained. |
Perk Up |
Makes a few tweaks to certain perks to make them more useful. |
Creative Perks |
Overhauls a ton of perks with new and interesting effects. |
Creative Perks Plus |
A total perk overhaul based on Creative Perks. Changes almost every perk in the game. |
Carry Weight Modifications |
Provides a bunch of options to change your carry weight, as well as carry weight per strength level. |
Carry More with Power Armor |
Increases the carry weight boost you receive from wearing power armor. |
Weightless Junk and Other Items |
Gives you options to reduce or eliminate the weight of junk items. |
Wearable Backpacks and Pouches |
Adds upgradable backpacks and pouches. |
Backpacks of the Commonwealth |
Adds 20 backpacks with 60 mods and 50 colors. |
Lunar Fallout All in One Overhaul |
A comprehensive overhaul of almost every system in the game. |
Horizon |
A large scale overhaul of the entire game. Designed for survival mode, but can be used on any difficulty. |
FROST Survival Simulator |
Reworks the ENTIRE game into a survival game. Most quests are removed, in exchange for pure wilderness survival. |
Bullet Time - Slow Time |
Replaces VATS with a bullet time effect. Customizable AP cost and time dilation factor. |
VAFS Redux - Bullet Time and Manual Critical |
Replaces VATS with Focus for slow motion. Modifies VATS perks to provide Focus buffs. |
See Through Scopes |
Changes combat scopes to not block out your vision when ADS'd. |
Take Cover |
Adds a cover system to 3rd person that allows your character to properly get into cover. |
Pip-Boy Flashlight |
Overhauls the flashlight on the Pip-Boy and Power Armor. |
Bullet Counted Reload System |
Fixes some wonky game engine stuff and adds proper reloading of weapons. |
Tactical Reload |
Adds a second reload for when you still have a round chambered. |
We Are The Minutemen |
Makes some major improvements to the Minutemen. Turns them into an actual faction you can build. |
Longer Lasting Fusion Cores |
For those that use power armor a lot, fusion cores can be a headache. This gives you options on how long you want them to last. |
1 Day or Instant Vendors Money Reset |
Reduces the time it takes for vendors money to reset. Useful for selling huge amounts of gear. |
Arbitration - Combat AI |
A customizable overhaul for combat. |
RDM - Rebalance of Damage Modifiers |
Changes the damage modifiers on body parts to make headshots much more valuable. |
Better Power Armor - Redux |
A heavily customizable rework of power armor. Power armor now provides much more protection as long as the parts are intact. Using certain weapons is critical for fighting enemies in power armor. |
Weapon Balance Overhaul |
Rebalances all vanilla weapons to make earlier weapons less obsolete. |
Synth Overhaul |
Overhauls synth armor providing more variations. Includes a two modified synth weapons. |
Armorsmith Extended |
Allows much more outfit customization. |
Eli's Armour Compendium |
Adds a bunch of lore-friendly armors. |
CROSS Pre-War Cybernetics |
Adds some new cybernetic armor that increases your abilities massively. Think lightweight power armor. |
CROSS Jetpack |
Adds a non-PA jetback designed to be used cybernetics. |
Nanosuit |
Gives a neato nanosuit and some additional gear. Not very lore-friendly, but very cool. |
Enclave X-02 Power Armor |
Adds the X-02 Power Armor from the Capital Wasteland. |
Hellfire X-03 Power Armor |
Adds the terrifying Hellfire Power Armor from the FO3 Broken Steel DLC. |
Handmade Anti-Materiel Rifle |
Adds a makeshift anti-materiel rifle. Various crafting options. |
Combined Arms |
Adds a bunch of modern weapons. High quality models. |
Adds the SIG MCX Spear, with custom animations, textures, and compatibility with many other mods. |
Adds the beloved SCAR-H to the commonwealth. Support for full customization. |
DKS-501 Sniper Rifle |
Adds the iconic DKS-501 as a fully moddable gun. |
Modular Simonov PTRS-41 Anti-Tank Rifle |
Adds three anti-tank rifles to the game. Completely customizable. |
AQUILA - Laser Rifle |
Adds a new laser rifle that can be found is Boston. |
Wattz Laser Gun |
Adds the Wattz 3000, inspired by the Wattz 2000 from Fallout. Has some compatibility issues so check for patches. |
CROSS PlasRail |
A heavily moddable plasma rifle. Also has some compatibility issues with other mods. Patches are usually available. |
Darker Nights |
Configurable night darkness. |
Campsite |
A lightweight camping mod that adds tents, sleeping bags, fires, etc. |
Kitcat's Camping Gear |
Adds portable tents and crafting stations. |
Deadly Traps and Hazards |
Settlement traps and other hazards become much more of a threat. |
The Elder Sickness |
Adds 8 new illnesses based on some diseases from Skyrim. Also makes a modification to Molerat Disease. |
HEV Power Armor |
Prevents you from gaining any infection, or being affected by weakness or poison while wearing power armor. |
Time Scale and Fast Travel Adjustment |
Makes days pass much slower and changes fast travel speed so time passes like you jogged there. |
True Storms |
A complete overhaul of the storm system. New weathers, effects, and dangers. |
Vivid Weathers |
Another overhaul of the weather and climate system. Adds 75 new weathers. |
Enhanced Lights and FX |
Overhauls many light sources to give a more atmospheric and realistic lighting. |
Vivid Fallout |
A total replacement of landscape, tree, rock, road, and even more textures. Designed to be efficient while increasing the quality of the Commonwealth. |
A Forest |
This mod covers the majority of the Commonwealth with a dense forest, inspired by Chernobyl and Bikini Atoll. |
Natural Landscapes |
Replaces most rocks and roads to make them feel more weathered. |
Vivid Waters |
Overhauls all water textures, including reflections and opacity, in an attempt to make the water look much more realistic. |
Wasteland Illumination |
Adds 800+ lights throughout the Commonwealth. |
Realistic Movement Speed for the Wasteland |
Adjusts the speeds of the player, and NPCs. Provides a more realistic feel of faster walking, slower running. |
Central Station |
Adds a lore-friendly replacement for fast travel. |
Drivables of the Commonwealth - Semi Trucks |
Adds 3 drivable/ridable semi-trucks to the game. |
Drivables of the Commonwealth - APC |
Adds a drivable APC to the game. Requires a quest to obtain it. |
Drivables of the Commonwealth - Jeep |
Adds 4 drivable jeeps to the game. |
Drivables of the Commonwealth - Boats |
Adds 6 boats that can be driven. |
Heather Casdin |
2200 lines of custom dialogue and a ton of quests. |
Ellen |
The first companion with custom voice lines. Over 1200 lines. Custom quest, affility system, and romance. |
I'm Darlene |
A full custom companion with 5000 lines of dialogue, 5 quests, and 5 perks. Affinity support, and romancable. |
Capital Wasteland Robot Pack |
Adds 4 new robots to the Automatron DLC with their respective weapons and voice-lines. |
Everyone's Best Friend |
Allows you to always have Dogmeat in addition to another companion. |
Unlimited Companion Framework |
Allows you to have unlimited companions. |
Companion Infinite Ammo |
Gives all companions infinite ammo. No more worrying about them wasting rounds. |
Loving Cait |
A face overhaul for Cait. |
Loving Piper |
A face overhaul for Piper. |
Loving Curie |
A face overhaul for Curie. |
Deeper Thoughts - Curie |
Gives access to a bunch of unused Curie dialogue. |
Platinum Curie |
A complete overhaul of Curie's looks to better match her tough but innocent demeanor. |
Better Settlers |
Adds over 240 new settlers. Many options for customization. |
Rich Merchants |
Gives all merchants more money. Customizable. |
Immersive Merchants |
Vendors will have their stores/stalls decorated according to what they sell. |
Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul |
Adds tons of cut dialogue from npcs and companions. Adds additional quests. |
Super Mutant Redux |
Overhauls the super mutants. Increases their durability significantly. |
Automatron for All |
Changes all vanilla bot inventories to have Automatron parts. |
Stealth and Detection System |
Overhauls the stealth system to allow for actual stealth gameplay. Provides an easier experience but a more realistic one. Agility affects stealth. |
Breakable Locks |
Gives an alternative method for opening locked doors. Shoot them. Configurable requirements. |
Better Locks |
Retextures the locks and tools when lockpicking. |
Crime and Punishment |
An overhaul for the crime system, bringing back karma, and complete with consequences for all your crimes. Adult content disabled by default. |
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource |
Adds a new item tagging system to allow mods to work together better. |
Workshop Framework |
Provides a framework to allow mods to integrate with the settlement workshop without breaking compatibility. |
Crafting Mastery |
Replaces the old system of all crafting recipes using the Chem Table with dedicated crafting stations for different types of item. |
Equipment and Crafting Overhaul |
Adds the universal workbench which can act as any type of crafting station. |
Legendary Modification |
Allows you to craft legendary gear if you really dislike searching for it. |
Rechambering Plus |
Adds the chambering mod, allowing you to switch the ammo type a weapon fires. |
Rechargable Fusion Cores |
Provides a new device to recharge fusion cores. |
Rebalances cooking recipes and adds 50 new foods. |
Settlement Keywords Expanded |
Provides a bunch of new categories for the settlement menu. |
Sim Settlements 2 |
Adds a whole simulation system that allows settlers to build their own housing. |
Scrap Everything |
Gives you full freedom to scrap every object inside a settlement. |
Spring Cleaning |
Allows you to scrap much more stuff to clean up your settlements. The Spring Cleaning Compatibility Patch is highly recommended to avoid any potential conflicts. |
Snappable Junk Fences |
Junk fences should now snap together, giving a much cleaner look. |
Looks Mirror |
Adds a mirror to the workshop that gives access to the LooksMenu without console commands. |
Settlement Objects Expansion Pack |
Adds over 1500 new objects to build and decorate your settlements with. Not all lore friendly. |
Homemaker |
Adds over 1000 new objects to build your settlements with. |
Settlement Supplies Expanded |
Adds arount 400 more objects for settlements. |
Functional Displays |
Adds a bunch of racks and boards that can be used to display items, weapon, armor, etc. |
OCDecorator |
Gives the ability to place any lootable object as a static object. Decorate your settlement to your heart's content. |
Snappable Power Armor Workbenches |
Makes power armor stations snappable so it's easier to make a garage with all your gear. |
Castle Walls Repaired |
Adds castle walls to the workshop, and allows much more of the castle to be scrapped. |
Repairable Sanctuary |
Allows you to repair the bridge and houses of sanctuary. Highly recommended to use Spring Cleaning too. |
Provides a bunch of planters for your gardening needs. |
Manufacturing Extended |
Adds new machines to the Contraptions Workshop DLC. Everything from power armor manufacturing to ammo factories. |
Snap'n Build |
Adds new building sets that are fully snappable. |
Longer Power Lines |
Gives a few options for longer power lines. Now you don't need as many towers littering your settlements. |